"Shedding skin. Seen enough and ready for the world with new hard-earned wisdom. A shrug and a sigh of an introduction. An emergence from a cocoon bearing a gift of spring to a party postponed for a year. All that and just a touch of Roaring Twenties flapper headgear makes this my pick for the Celebration of Spring Award."
Large Sculpture: Leavening
Matt Sheridan - Judge - RAA 63rd Spring Exhibition
"I really liked the whimsical feeling of this piece. It feels like a character in a movie to me. Just fun. "
Large Sculpture: Hathor: Queen of the Underworld
Scott Prior - Judge - RAA Halloween Exhibition
"The cosmic style is wild and visionary ... So much of this work combines a bold statement with a delicate embrace"
R. Parducci / Visitor/ Solo Exhibition RAA, 2018